4.2: Properties of Laplace Transforms

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Reading: Notes on Diffy Q’s Section 6.1 Part A and Section 6.2

Recall in the materials for Worksheet 20 Introduction to Laplace Transforms we used the definition of the Laplace transform,

\[\Large{\color{dodgerblue}{ \mathscr{L} \left\{ f \right\} = F(s) = \int_0^{\infty} e^{-st}f(t) \ dt}},\]

to find the Laplace transform of some common functions. For example, we showed that:

In this worksheet, we will explore some useful properties that Laplace transforms statisfy that will allow us to use what we know already know about \(\mathscr{L} \left\{ t \right\}\) and \(\mathscr{L} \left\{ e^{at} \right\}\) to evaluate Laplace transforms such as:

Properties of a Linear Operator

An operator (or transformation) \(T\) is a linear operator (or linear transformation) if for all \(f\) and \(g\) in the domain, \(T\) statisfies the following two properties:

  1. \(T( f + g) = T(f) + T(g)\).
  2. \(T( c f ) = cT(f)\), where \(c\) denotes a scalar.

Question 1:

Let \(f\) and \(g\) be functions whose Laplace transform exists for \(s > \alpha\) and let \(c\) be a constant. Answer parts a and b and show the Laplace transform is a linear operator.

Question 1a:

Prove the Laplace transform statisfies the additive property

\[{\large \color{dodgerblue}{\mathscr{L} \left\{ f + g \right\} = \mathscr{L} \left\{ f \right\} + \mathscr{L} \left\{ g \right\}}}.\]

Solution to Question 1a:

Question 1b:

Prove the Laplace transform satisfies the scalar multiplication property

\[{\color{dodgerblue}{\large \mathscr{L} \left\{ cf \right\} = c \mathscr{L} \left\{ f \right\}}}.\]

Solution to Question 1b:

Shifting Property: Laplace Transform of \(g(t)=e^{at}f(t)\)

Question 2:

If the Laplace transform \(\mathscr{L}\{ f(t) \} =F(s)\) exist for \(s > \alpha\), then show that

\[\color{dodgerblue}{\large \mathscr{L}\{ e^{at}f(t) \}= F(s-a), \ \ \mbox{for } s > \alpha + a}.\]

Solution to Question 2:

Question 3:

Using the shifting property from Question 2 and the fact that \(\mathscr{L} \{ \cos{(bt)} \} = \dfrac{s}{s^2+b^2}\) for \(s >0\), find \(\color{dodgerblue}{\large \mathscr{L} \left\{ e^{at} \cos{(bt)} \right\}}\).

Solution to Question 3:

Revisiting Laplace Transforms with SymPy

In Worksheet 20 Introduction to Laplace Transforms we used the SymPy library in Python to help verify and check our work with Laplace transforms.

  1. Run the first code cell below to create a Laplace transform function.
  2. Then run the second code cell to check your previous answer.
import sympy as sym
from sympy.abc import s,t

a = sym.symbols('a', real=True, nonzero=True)
b = sym.symbols('b', real=True, nonzero=True)

def L(f):
    return sym.laplace_transform(f, t, s, noconds=True)
f = sym.exp(a*t) *  sym.cos(b*t)  # define your function with respect to t


Laplace Transform of Derivatives

A function is of exponential order \(\alpha\) if there exists positive constants \(C\) and \(T\) such that

\[\color{dodgerblue}{\large \left| f(t) \right| < Ce^{\alpha t} \ \ \mbox{for all } t > T}.\]

For example:

  • \(f(t) = \cos{(5t)}e^{7t}\) has exponential order \(\alpha = 7\).
  • \(f(t)=e^{t^2}\) does not have an exponential order.

Question 4:

If \(f(t)\) is continuous on \(\lbrack 0, \infty )\) and \(f'(t)\) is piecewise continuous on \(\lbrack 0, \infty )\) with both exponential order \(\alpha\), then prove for \(s > \alpha\),

\[\color{dodgerblue}{\large \mathscr{L} \left\{ f'(t) \right\} = s \mathscr{L} \left\{ f(t) \right\} - f(0) = sF(s)-f(0)}.\]

Solution to Question 4:

Question 5:

Using the property from Question 4 and the fact that \(\mathscr{L} \left\{ \cos{(bt)} \right\} = \frac{s}{s^2+b^2}\) for \(s >0\), find \(\color{dodgerblue}{\large \mathscr{L} \left\{ \sin{(bt)} \right\}}\).

Then check your answer using the Laplace transform function L(f) defined in Revisiting Laplace Transforms with SymPy.

Solution to Question 5:

After using the properties, verify your result using the code cell below.

# Replace the ?? with an approrpriate expression
# Be sure you have already created the L(f) fucntion

f = ??  # define your function with respect to t


Question 6:

If \(\mathscr{L} \left\{ f(t) \right\} = F(s)\) for all \(s > \alpha\), using the property from Question 4, show that

\[\color{dodgerblue}{\large \mathscr{L} \left\{ f''(t) \right\} =s^2F(s)-sf(0)-f'(0) \quad \mbox{for all } s > \alpha .}\]

Solution to Question 6:

Optional Proof Practice: Question 7

Using induction show that

\[\color{dodgerblue}{\large \mathscr{L} \left\{ f^{(n)} \right\} = s^n \mathscr{L} \left\{ f \right\} - s^{n-1} f(0) - s^{n-2} f'(0) - \ldots - f^{(n-1)}(0).}\]

Solution to Question 7:

Optional Proof Practice: Question 8

Let \(F(s) = \mathscr{L} \left\{ f \right\}\) and assume \(f(t)\) is piecewise continuous on \(\lbrack 0, \infty )\) and of exponential order \(\alpha\). Prove that for \(s > \alpha\) if follows that

\[\color{dodgerblue}{\large \mathscr{L} \left\{ t^nf(t) \right\} = (-1)^n \frac{d^nF}{ds^n}.}\]

Solution to Question 8:

Question 9:

Using the definition of the Laplace transform, the result that \(\mathscr{L} \left\{ e^{at} \right\} = \dfrac{1}{s-a}\) for \(s>a\) and the property above, find a formula for \(\color{dodgerblue}{\large \mathscr{L} \left\{ t^n e^{at} \right\}}\).

Then check your answer using the Laplace transform function L(f) defined in Revisiting Laplace Transforms with SymPy.

Solution to Question 9:

After using the properties, verify your result using the code cell below.

# Replace the ?? with an approrpriate expression
# Be sure you have already created the L(f) fucntion

n = sym.symbols('n', integer=True, positive=True)

f = ??  # define your function with respect to t


Common Laplace Transforms

Below is a table of updated table of common Laplace transforms pairs.

\(\displaystyle \large f(t)\) \(\displaystyle \large F(s) = \mathscr{L} \left\{ f(t) \right\}\)
\(\displaystyle \large f(t)=1\) \(\displaystyle \large F(s)=\frac{1}{s}, \ s > 0\)
\(\displaystyle\large f(t)=e^{at}\) \(\displaystyle \large F(s) = \frac{1}{s-a}, \ s > a\)
\(\displaystyle \large f(t)=t^n, \ n=1,2, \ldots\) \(\displaystyle \large F(s) = \frac{n!}{s^{n+1}}, \ s > 0\)
\(\displaystyle \large f(t)=\sin{(bt)}\) \(\displaystyle \large F(s) = \frac{b}{s^2+b^2}, \ s > 0\)
\(\displaystyle \large f(t)=\cos{(bt)}\) \(\displaystyle \large F(s) = \frac{s}{s^2+b^2}, \ s > 0\)
\(\displaystyle \large e^{at}t^n, \ n=1,2, \ldots\) \(\displaystyle \large F(s) = \frac{n!}{(s-a)^{n+1}}, \ s > a\)
\(\displaystyle \large e^{at}\sin{(bt)}\) \(\displaystyle \large F(s) = \frac{b}{(s-a)^2+b^2}, \ s > a\)
\(\displaystyle \large e^{at}\cos{(bt)}\) \(\displaystyle \large F(s) = \frac{s-a}{(s-a)^2+b^2}, \ s > a\)

Properties of Laplace Transforms

1. \(\color{dodgerblue}{\mathscr{L} \left\{ cf(t) \right\} = c \mathscr{L} \left\{ f(t) \right\}}\), where \(c\) is a constant. See Question 1b.

2. \(\color{dodgerblue}{\mathscr{L} \left\{ f_1(t) + f_2(t) \right\} = \mathscr{L} \left\{ f_1(t) \right\} + \mathscr{L} \left\{ f_2(t)\right\}}\). See Question 1a.

3. If \(F(s) = \mathscr{L} \left\{ f(t) \right\}\) exists for all \(s > \alpha\), then \(\color{dodgerblue}{\displaystyle \mathscr{L} \left\{ e^{at} f(t) \right\} = F(s-a)}\) for all \(s>\alpha + a\). See Question 2.

4. If \(F(s) =\mathscr{L} \left\{ f(t) \right\}\) exists for all \(s > \alpha\), then for all \(s>\alpha\) (see Question 7),

\[\color{dodgerblue}{\mathscr{L} \left\{ f^{(n)}(t) \right\} = s^n \mathscr{L} \{ f(t) \}-s^{n-1} f(0)- s^{n-2} f'(0) - \ldots - f^{(n-1)}(0)}.\]

5. If \(F(s) =\mathscr{L} \left\{ f(t) \right\}\) exists for all \(s > \alpha\), then (see Question 8)

\[\color{dodgerblue}{\mathscr{L} \left\{ t^n f(t) \right\} = (-1)^n \frac{d^nF}{ds^n} \mbox{ for all } s > \alpha}.\]

Creative Commons License Information

Creative Commons License
Exploring Differential Equations by Adam Spiegler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at https://github.com/CU-Denver-MathStats-OER/ODEs and original content created by Rasmussen, C., Keene, K. A., Dunmyre, J., & Fortune, N. (2018). Inquiry oriented differential equations: Course materials. Available at https://iode.sdsu.edu.