2.2: Introduction to Random Variables

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Randomness in a Music Playlist

Importing the Spotify Hits Data Set

The data set spotify-hits.csv1 is stored online and contains audio statistics of the top 2000 tracks on Spotify from 2000-2019. The data is stored in a comma separated file (csv). We can use the function read.csv() to import the csv file into an R data frame we call hits.

hits <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CU-Denver-MathStats-OER/Statistical-Theory/main/Data/spotify-hits.csv")

Cleaning the Music Data Set

In the code cell below:

  • We convert artist, song, and genre to categorical variables using the factor() function.
  • Extract the variables artist, song, tempo and genre (ignoring the rest).
  • Print the first 6 rows to screen to get a glimpse of the resulting data frame.
hits$artist <- factor(hits$artist)  # artist is categorical
hits$song <- factor(hits$song)  # song is categorical
hits$genre <- factor(hits$genre)  # genre is categorical
hits <- hits[,c("artist", "song", "tempo", "genre")] 
head(hits)  # display first 6 rows of data frame
          artist                   song   tempo             genre
1 Britney Spears Oops!...I Did It Again  95.053               pop
2      blink-182   All The Small Things 148.726         rock, pop
3     Faith Hill                Breathe 136.859      pop, country
4       Bon Jovi           It's My Life 119.992       rock, metal
5         *NSYNC            Bye Bye Bye 172.656               pop
6          Sisqo             Thong Song 121.549 hip hop, pop, R&B

Question 1

Explore the data set hits. For example:

  • How many observations are in the data set?
  • Which artist had the most hits?
  • What is the mean tempo?
  • Create a plot to display the distribution of tempo scores.
  • What genre occurs most frequently?

Solution to Question 1

Creating a Random Playlist

To create a random playlist of five songs from the hits library of songs, we can run the code cell below.

  • The sample() function below has three inputs:
    • The “population” we will be sampling from.
      • nrow(hits) returns the value 2000, the total number of observations (rows) in the data frame.
    • The size is the number of observations we will select.
    • The replace =TRUE options means we sample with replacement. Each time we pick a song, we place it back into the population and can select it in our playlist again.
    • Run ?sample for more information.
  • We save the selected songs to the object called playlist.
  • We print the list of songs in playlist to the screen
# index contains the 5 randomly selected songs
index <- sample(nrow(hits), size=5, replace = TRUE)
playlist <- hits[index,]  # save each song from index to a playlist
head(playlist)  # print the playlist
             artist                                 song   tempo
1072          Drake                                 Over 100.093
193       Gabrielle                         Out Of Reach 182.862
119             iio             Rapture (feat.Nadia Ali) 123.943
1585         Jack Ü Where Are Ü Now (with Justin Bieber) 139.432
1131 Cobra Starship     You Make Me Feel... (feat. Sabi) 131.959
1072     hip hop, pop, R&B
193               pop, R&B
119       Dance/Electronic
1585 pop, Dance/Electronic
1131 pop, Dance/Electronic

Random Variables

How likely is it that none of the songs are classified in the genre “pop”? How likely is it that at most three songs are classified in the genre “pop”?

How can we connect these questions about our data to the concepts of sample spaces and events to answer these question? The link can be made using random variables!

Definition of a Random Variable

A random variable is a function that maps each outcome \(\omega\) in the sample space \(\Omega\) to a real number \(X(\omega)\).

\[ X: \Omega \to \mathbb{R} \]

In the music playlist example, each playlist is a different outcome in the sample space. There are a total of \(2000^5 = 3.2 \times 10^{16}\) possible playlists in the sample space.

  • We can define random variable \(X\) to be the number of songs in the playlist from the pop genre.
    • For example, we could randomly select 5 songs with genres \(\omega =\) (hip hop, country, pop, rock, pop)
    • Random variable \(X\) is \(X(\omega) = 2\) since there are 2 pop songs in the playlist.
  • The set of possible values for \(X\) is the discrete set \(\left\{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 \right\}\).

Counting Pop Songs

One potential tricky issue with song genre is many songs are classified in multiple genres. The blink-182 song All The Small Things is in both the pop and rock genres. To simplify the analysis here, we will count songs that are only classified in pop genre (and no other genres). We will not count All The Small Things as a pop song since it is also classified as rock.

sum(hits$genre == "pop")  # counts number of songs classified as only pop
[1] 428
  • The hits data frame contains 428 pop songs.
  • The proportion of all songs that are pop songs is \(\frac{428}{2000} = 0.214\) or \(21.4\%\).

Question 2

If \(21.4\%\) of all the songs are classified solely in the genre pop:

  • Compute \(P(X=0)\), the probability of picking (with replacement) a random playlist of 5 songs that contains no pop songs.
  • Compute \(P(X=5)\), the probability of picking (with replacement) a random playlist of 5 songs all of which are pop songs.

You can use an R code cell to help with the calculation.

# P(X = 0)

# P(X=5)

Solution to Question 2

Distributions for Discrete Random Variables

If \(X\) is a discrete random variable, we define the probability function or probability distribution or probability mass function (pmf) for \(X\) by

\[\color{dodgerblue}{p(x) = P(X=x)}.\]

If \(X\) is a discrete random variable, we define the cumulative distribution function (cdf) as the function

\[\color{dodgerblue}{F(x)=P(X \leq x) = \sum_{k=\rm{min \ value}}^x p(k) }.\]

The PMF and CDF for the Number of Pop Songs

In the case of counting the number of pop songs in a 5 song playlist, we can organize the values of the pmf \(p(x)\) in a table.

\(x\) 0 1 2 3 4 5
\(p(x)\) 0.3000 0.4084 0.2224 0.0606 0.0082 0.0004

From the pmf table above, we have the corresponding cdf below.

\(x\) 0 1 2 3 4 5
\(F(x)\) 0.3000 0.7084 0.9308 0.9914 0.9996 1

Question 3

Interpret the practical meaning of \(p(3) = 0.0606\) and \(F(3) = 0.9914\).

Solution to Question 3

Question 4

What is the probability of picking a playlist with at least 3 pop songs?

Solution to Question 4

Plotting Distribution Functions

n <- 5  # set number of trials n
p <- 0.241  # prob of success in a trial
x <- 0:n  # vector from 0 to n=3

par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
plot(x, dbinom(x, size = n, prob = p), 
     main = "Graph of pmf", 
     xlab = "Number of Pop Songs", 
     ylab = "p(x)")

plot(x, pbinom(x, size = n, prob = p), 
     main = "Graph of cdf", 
     xlab = "Number of Pop Songs", 
     ylab = "F(x)")

Question 5

Let \(X\) a discrete random variable with pmf and cdf denoted \(p(x)\) and \(F(x)\), respectively. Determine if each statement is True or False.

  1. \(0 \leq p(x) \leq 1\) for all \(x\).
  2. \(0 \leq F(x) \leq 1\) for all \(x\).
  3. \(\displaystyle \sum_{\rm{all}\ x} p(x) = 1\).
  4. \(\displaystyle \sum_{\rm{all}\ x} F(x) = 1\).
  5. \(\displaystyle \lim_{x \to \infty} p(x) = 1\).
  6. \(\displaystyle \lim_{x \to \infty} F(x) = 1\).
  7. The pmf must be a nondecreasing function.
  8. The cdf must be a nondecreasing function.

Solution to Question 5

List the properties (a)-(h) that are indeed TRUE.

Continuous Random Variables

Discrete random variables map outcomes in the sample space to integers. In many situations we would like to consider mapping outcomes to a continuous interval of values, not just integers. For example, what is the probability that randomly selected song has a tempo less than 82 beats per minute (BPM)?

  • The sample space \(\Omega\) consists of the set of all songs in hits.
  • \(X: \Omega \to \mathbb{R}\) where we map each selected song to its tempo (in BPM).
  • The range is now a continuous interval of real numbers representing the tempos of all songs in hits.

Using modern technology such as music sequencers tempo has become a very precise measurement. Tempo is an important characteristic in electronic dance music where accurate measurement of a tune’s BPM is important to DJ’s when mixing music.

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
  60.02   98.99  120.02  120.12  134.27  210.85 
  • From the summary above, we see tempo is a continuous measurement (it has decimal values) from a minimum of \(60.02\) BPM to a maximum \(210.85\) BPM.

Question 6

Below is a histogram representing the distribution of tempos for the 2000 songs in hits. Approximate the value of \(P(X < 85)\), the probability that a randomly selected songs has a tempo less than 85 BPM.

  • Experiment with the number of breaks to improve the accuracy of your approximation!
# create a histogram
hist(hits$tempo,  # vector of tempo measurements
# Student To-Do: Adjust breaks
     breaks = 10,  # number of bin ranges to use
     labels = TRUE,  # add count labels above each bar
     xlab = "Tempo (BPM)",   # x-axis label
     xaxt='n',  # turn off default x-axis ticks
     yaxt='n',  # turn off default y-axis ticks
     ylab = "Frequency",  # y-axis label
     ylim = c(0,650),  # sets window for y-axis
     main = "Distribution of Tempos",  # main label
     col = "steelblue")  # fill color of bars
axis(1, at = seq(60, 220, 10))  # set custom ticks on x-axis
axis(2, at = seq(0, 650, 50))  # set custom ticks on y-axis

Solution to Question 6

Relative Frequency Histograms

Our initial frequency histogram of tempos in Question 6 measured the count or frequency of songs that fall in each bin of the histogram. A relative frequency histogram rescales the vertical axis to units proportion per unit of \(X\).

  • We can create a relative frequency histogram by adding the option freq = FALSE in the hist() function.

Question 7

Based on the relative frequency histogram below, approximate the value of \(P(X < 85)\), the probability that a randomly selected songs has a tempo less than 85 BPM.

  1. The option freq = FALSE is added to the hist command below. Run the code cell below and compare the result with the histogram above. What is different about the two histograms? What is similar? What are the units of the horizontal axis?

  2. Using the output from the code cell below, approximate \(P(X < 85)\). Hint: The area of each bar corresponds to the proportion of songs in hits that are in the corresponding bin range of tempos.

# create a histogram
hist(hits$tempo,  # vector of tempo measurements
     freq = FALSE,
     breaks = 20,  # number of bin ranges to use
     labels = TRUE,  # add count labels above each bar
     xlab = "Tempo (BPM)",   # x-axis label
     xaxt='n',  # turn off default x-axis ticks
     yaxt='n',  # turn off default y-axis ticks
     ylab = "Relative Frequency",  # y-axis label
     ylim = c(0,0.025),  # sets window for y-axis
     main = "Distribution of Tempos",  # main label
     col = "steelblue")  # fill color of bars
axis(1, at = seq(60, 220, 10))  # set custom ticks on x-axis
axis(2, at = seq(0, 0.025, 0.005))  # set custom ticks on y-axis

Solution to Question 7

Density Plots

A density plot can informally be considered as a relative frequency histogram where we choose incredibly small widths for each bin range. One way to create a density plot in R is to:

  1. First convert the values of a quantitative variable to densities with the density() function.
  1. Use the plot() function to plot the densities.
# approximate densities and then plot
plot(density(hits$tempo),  # convert to density and then plot
     ylab = "density (proportion per BPM)",  # vertical axis label
     xlab = "Tempo (in BPM)",  # horizontal axis label
     main = "Distribution of Song Tempos")  # main title

Reading a Density Plot

If we want to use a density plot compute \(P(X < 85)\), the probability that a random selected song in hits has a tempo less than 85 BPM:

  • We approximate the AREA below the density curve over the interval from 0 to 85 BPM.
  • If we have a theoretical model \(f(x)\) for the density, we can use definite integrals to compute these proportions!
  • Run the code cell below to sketch an area corresponding to \(P(X<85)\). There is nothing to edit in the code cell.
# Area representing P(X < 85)
# Run code without editting
den <- density(hits$tempo)

plot(den,  # plot density of tempo
     ylab = "density (proportion per BPM)",  # vertical axis label
     xlab = "Tempo (in BPM)",  # horizontal axis label
     xaxt = 'n',  # turn off default x-axis ticks
     main = "Distribution of Song Tempos")  # main title

# Fill area from 0 to 85 BPM
value <- 85

polygon(c(den$x[den$x <= value ], value),
        c(den$y[den$x <= value ], 0),
        col = "slateblue1",
        border = 1)
axis(1, at = seq(0, value, value))  # set custom ticks on x-axis

Continuous Probability Distributions

Probability Density Function (pdf)

If \(X\) is a continuous random variable, the probability density function (pdf), denoted \(f(x)\), satisfies the following properties:

  • \(f(x) \geq 0\) for all \(x\),
  • \(\displaystyle \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} f(x) = 1\), and
  • \(\displaystyle P(a < x < b) = \int_a^b f(x) \, dx\)

Cumulative Distribution Function (cdf)

If \(X\) is a continuous random variable, the cumulative distribution function (cdf), denoted \(F(x)\), is

\[\color{dodgerblue}{F(x) = P(X < x) = \int_{-\infty}^x f(t) \, dt}.\]

Thus we have the important relations between a pdf and cdf of a continuous random variable X:

  • The cdf \(F(x)\) is an antiderivative of the pdf \(f\).
  • The pdf \(f(x)\) is the derivative of \(F(x)\).

Question 8

The figure below contains 8 plots of either a probability density function or a cumulative distribution function of a continuous random variable. Match each probability density function shown in (a)-(d) with a corresponding graph of a cumulative distribution function (I)-(IV). Explain how you determined your answers.

Matching graphs of pdfs and cdfs.

Image Credit: Adam Spiegler, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Solution to Question 8

Graph (a) Graph (b) Graph (c) Graph (d)
?? ?? ?? ??

Properties of Continuous Random Variables

Question 9

Let \(X\) is a continuous random variable with pdf and cdf denoted \(f(x)\) and \(F(x)\), respectively. Determine if each statement is True or False.

  1. \(0 \leq f(x) \leq 1\) for all \(x\).
  2. \(0 \leq F(x) \leq 1\) for all \(x\).
  3. \(\displaystyle \int_{\infty}^{-\infty} f(x) \, dx= 1\).
  4. \(\displaystyle \int_{\infty}^{-\infty} F(x) \, dx = 1\).
  5. \(\displaystyle \lim_{x \to \infty} f(x) = 1\).
  6. \(\displaystyle \lim_{x \to \infty} F(x) = 1\).
  7. The pdf must be a nondecreasing function.
  8. The cdf must be a nondecreasing function.

Solution to Question 9

List the properties (a)-(h) that are indeed TRUE.

Question 10

The probability of a Lithium-ion battery failing at time \(x\) (in years) is given by the probability density function below.

\[f(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \frac{1}{3}e^{-\frac{x}{3}} & x \geq 0 \\ 0 & \mbox{otherwise} \end{array} \right.\]

Question 10a

Compute the probability that a Lithium-ion battery lasts more than 2 years.

Solution to Question 10a

Question 10b

Interpret the meaning of \(P(X \leq 3)\) and \(P(X < 3)\).

Solution to Question 10b

Creative Commons License

Statistical Methods: Exploring the Uncertain by Adam Spiegler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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